Female German Shepherds

Xari von der Lars-Aue

Xena von der Lars-Aue

Xari von der Lars-Aue

Xari von der Lars-Aue

Prisca van’t Aardshof

Arrived! Litter Digger & Fergie 2023

Fergie vom Zuckerreich

Arminus Imported litter2

Bee vom haus Trojan

Amoji vom Huro Haus

Amoji vom haus Huro

Tiara Team vom Demina Hof

Good dog badge

All of our dogs are Hip & Elbow certified with the SV (The society for German Shepherd Dogs, Germany Shepherd Kennel Club) or the FCI (The Fédération Cynologique Internationale was created on May 22nd, 1911 with the aim to promote and protect cynology and purebred dogs by any means it considers necessary).

All of our dogs are tested for Degenerative Myelopathy.

We uphold the highest breed qualifications for our breeding German Shepherd females.